Scheduling requires thoughtful decisions. We are all very concerned with providing your student with a sound and meaningful education. The extra time and thought spent before scheduling will help things run smoothly for the next year.
Consider all factors (such as these) before you turn in a schedule request form
- Are all required courses scheduled?
- Will this schedule challenge the student?
- Will the student be overloaded with the homework?
- Will the student have a study hall?
- Has the student taken the appropriate academic classes to meet college entrance requirements?
- Has the student taken enough classes to meet requirements for athletic participation?
Rules for Scheduling
- All students are required to take at least seven (7) classes each semester.
- Subjects must be taken in the proper sequence (example: Algebra I prior to Algebra II). Prerequisite means the requirement(s) that must be met before the student can enroll in a particular course. A course and its prerequisite cannot be taken simultaneously unless permission is granted by the principal. Check for prerequisite(s) for individual courses.
- Students are to make schedule changes within the first ten (10) days of the new school year. No student requested changes will be made after this ten-day period unless administrative privilege has been given.
- All failed required credits should be made up at the first opportunity. The same subjects need not be repeated except in the case of required subjects.
- In cases where the class size is limited, preference will be given to upper-classmen. In cases where the limit falls within the same class, preference will be given to the highest overall grade point average.
- If a student subject selection form is not returned with parent’s signature, the course choices made with the approval of an administrator or guidance counselor will go into effect.
- Class selections are determined by the number of students who select classes during the initial registration period. Classes may not be available to those students who attempt to enroll at a later date.
(Click the link above to see the description of all courses)