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Principal's Message

Travis Abbott


travis abbott image


Welcome to the 2022-23 school year!

My name is Travis Abbott and I am very proud to be serving the Meigs Local community in my seventh year as principal of Meigs High School. I am a 1996 graduate of MHS with fourteen years of classroom experience as a social studies teacher, all at Meigs High School, and I am entering into my eighth year as a school administrator.

Our goal at MHS is for all students to find their passion in life and to learn the skills that they need to pursue it. We offer many classes and programs of study that will help them do exactly that! Our students have the opportunity to earn industry credentials and college credit without ever having to leave our building. This places our graduates ahead of their peers from other high schools in the job market and on college applications. I highly encourage all students to explore the options that they have available to them so that they can begin to pursue their post-secondary plans.

We would like to welcome seven new staff members to Meigs High School who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with our students.


Mrs. Emily Click – Intervention Specialist
Mrs. Davis – Family and Consumer Science
Mr. Craig Knight – Mathematics
Ms. Haley Lathey – Spanish
Mrs. Samantha Love – Science
Mr. Morahan – Intervention Specialist
Mr. Michael Scyoc – Intervention Specialist
Mr. Sisson – Mathematics

At Meigs High School, we are all here to help our students reach their fullest potential in the classroom, in life, and to make a positive impact on the world around them. We continue to serve our community with pride and we are looking forward to an excellent school year!

Warmest Regards,

Travis Abbott